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Academic Common Market


For existing ACM programs, allow four to six weeks for processing after you’ve submitted the entire application.  If you are requesting ACM benefits for a new program, please allow two to three months, as processing for new programs can take longer.

Contact your home state’s ACM Coordinator to request that the program be added to your state’s list of eligible programs.

Florida and Texas participate in the ACM only at the graduate level.  Residents of these states must be pursuing graduate studies (master’s level or higher) to participate.  North Carolina does not participate in the ACM at this time.

Your bill is generated after you register full-time (12 hours minimum for undergraduates; 9 hours minimum for graduate students).  The bill can be found on your Pipeline account.  For questions regarding your bill, please contact the MT One Stop at

No, certification is a one-time-only procedure provided you are actively pursuing the approved ACM major, remain enrolled full-time in good academic standing, and remain a resident of your certifying state.

You must notify the MTSU ACM Coordinator that you wish to participate again. You will be required to complete the application process again with MTSU and your home state coordinator. If your program is no longer available through your home state, certification will not be approved.

Usually, you are not asked to pay back tuition for the years that you received ACM benefits.  However, if you change your major during a semester, you may be charged out-of-state tuition for that semester.

Possibly. Each home state will make the decision of approving double majors and/or concentrations when one or more are outside the approved list.

If your home state removes your major after you have begun classes at MTSU, you will still be eligible to receive the ACM benefit as long as you maintain continuous enrollment.

For further information

Email or visit the SREBCommon Market